Sunday, November 15, 2015


So if you're reading this right now, congratulations. You found my secret yet not-so-secret blog lol. I'm assuming that if you came across this then you probably already know me, so I'm gonna keep the intro nice and sweet. My name is Antonious Malak. I am 19 years old. I am a Coptic Orthodox Christian Egyptian and this is my blog. The reason I decided to create this blog is because I have a few good friends who are currently, active bloggers and I realized that I learned a lot from reading their blogs. So, I'm hoping that you can learn a thing or two from mine as well. Even though I really wanted to create a blog for a while now, I always pretended that I was so against making one because I want as few people as possible finding this. Soooo consider yourself lucky that you are here now (and by lucky I mean unlucky lol). Well, that's all I've got to say for now. I hope you enjoy reading this and I will pray that I do not corrupt your brain with my silly nonsense. See you around!

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